Sunday, June 28, 2009
semua terekam TAK PERNAH MATI
o iya sedih sekali kawankawan sudah pada mau berangkat.aaaa. si cang tanggal 1 juli,rebo ini udah pergi ke oz.aaaaa. i'll miss you stella cang teman seterbullyan :( o iya besok si cang ultah loh :) terus si babay juga bakal nyusul cang tanggal 6 dan lorin kemungkinan berangkatnya juga juli.ahhh gillaaaa. bakal kangen beratratraatt :( aaaaa
cepet banget 3 tahun.aaaa
yaudah deh
see ya folkies :)
Monday, June 22, 2009
lights and music :D
1. i'm still fond of you and that is true - cut off your hands ; still fond
2. it's the bitch of living, living in your head, just the bitch of living and knowing this is it - spring awakening ; bitch of living
3. do you ever wonder? - franz ferdinand ; no you girls
4. uh baby don't you know i suffer and uh baby can't you hear me moan? - muse ; supermassive black hole
5. why would you lie about something dumb like that? - vampire weekend ; oxford comma
6. boy it's tough getting on in the world when the sun doesn't shine and a boy needs a girl - pet shop boys ; love etc.
7. it's a day in a life of you, there's no point in feeling blue, don't tangle my words i love you - larrikin love ; well,love does furnish a life
8. well you are the one the one that lies close to me, whisper hello i miss you quite terribly - hellogoodbye ; here in your arms
9. is it out of line if i was to be bold and say "would you be mine?" - the fratellis ; whistle for the choir
10. all we care about is talking, talking only me and you - peter bjorn and john ft. victoria bergsman ; young folks
11. young love never seems to last far too young untill they have a past - mystery jets ft. laura marling ; young love
12. i'm not sorry i met you, i'm not sorry it's over, i'm not sorry there's nothing save - stars ; your ex-lover is dead
13. everyone changing i stay the same - the corrs ; summer sunshine
14. so let the love tear us apart i've found the cure for a broken heart - the wombats ; let's dance to joy division
15. you can't hide yourself in the cloud forever - milburn ; genius and the tramp
16. if you want to hit me into shape i need a plan or a mission - datarock ; fa-fa-fa
17. what do you say if someone is right but, you disagree even if it's the truth - playradioplay! ; decipher reflections from reality
18. and i crumble completely when you cry, it seems that once again you had to greet me with goodbye - arctic monkeys ; 505
19. everybody gets knock down, how quick are you gonna get up? - the hours ; ali in the jungle
20. in the shadowplay acting like your own death,knowing no more - the killers ; shadowplay
well, which one is your favorite? :)
yaudah ah
see ya soon all :D
regards, no.
P.S : besok gue berangkat retret lemkar :)
happy birthday dear michelle pudjiadi (turning 15) and JAKARTA :D
Sunday, June 21, 2009
elementary reunion
kemaren gue dateng ke reuni SD loren :) di rumahnya arnold kolor di vmm (rumahnya tetangganya febi) jadi rencana pada mau BBQan gitu.karena gue nyampe sana telat akhirnya gak kebagian daging.*ujungujungnya cuman makan sosis duabiji sama jagung satu setengah.haha*
seru sih jadi semua ramerame *40 orangan* ngumpul,ceritacerita hal bego masa SD dari persami kelas 4,super camp kelas 5,retret kelas 6,kejorokan kejorokan masa SD kayak si **** yang suka boker di celana :p si **** suka ngupil lah.kangen sd, gosipgosipannya,maenanya,temenya.tapi banyak juga sih yang gak dateng,susah cui ngumpulin 120 orang.
abis ngumpulngumpul rencana kedua reuninya pada dilanjutin mau nginep di villa thea di puncak tanggal 13 juli :D
*kalo jadi berarti gue 3x ke puncak liburan :p*
o iya besok gue udah mulai les nyetir.haha.telat yee semua udah pada bisa dapet sim,gue boroboro nyetir aja belon pernah.
ya udah ah
see ya later folkies :D
regards no :)
P.S : happy sweet seventeen cumi :D
Friday, June 19, 2009
LOVE etc.
You need more You need more You need more
You need more You need more You need more
You need more You need more You need more
Boy it’s tough getting on in the world
When the sun doesn’t shine and a boy needs a girl
It’s about getting out of a rut, you need luck
But you’re stuck and you don’t know how, oh
(Don’t have to be) A big bucks Hollywood star
(Don’t have to drive) A super car to get far
(Don’t have to live) A life of power and wealth
(Don’t have to be) Beautiful but it helps
(Don’t have to buy) A house in Beverly Hills
(Don’t have to have) Your daddy paying the bills
(Don’t have to live) A life of power and wealth
(Don’t have to be) Beautiful but it helps
You need more
Than a big blank check to be a lover, or
A Gulfstream jet to fly you door to door
Somewhere chic on another shore
You need more You need more You need more
You need more You need more You need more
You need love You need love You need love
Too much of anything
Is never enough
Too much of everything
Is never enough
Boy it’s tough getting on in the world
When the sun doesn’t shine and a boy needs a girl
It’s about getting out of a rut, you need luck
But you’re stuck and you don’t know how, oh
(Don’t have to be) A big bucks Hollywood star
(Don’t have to drive) A super car to get far
(Don’t have to wear) A smile much colder than ice
(Don’t have to be) Beautiful but it’s nice
You need moreThan the Gerhard Richter hangin’ on your wall
A chauffeur-driven limousine on call
To drive your wife and lover to a white tie ball
You need more You need more You need more
You need more You need more You need more
You need love
I believe that we can achieve
The love that we need
I believe, call me naïve
Love is for free
(Don’t have to be) A big bucks Hollywood star
(Don’t have to drive) A super car to get far
(Don’t have to live) A life of power and wealth
(Don’t have to be) Beautiful but it helps
Beautiful but it helps Beautiful but it helps
Monday, June 15, 2009
congrats ya semua anak loren angkatan 12 :D gilee seneng berat.haha.
ya udah deh, masih nungguin pesawat nih,batere tinggal 2strip pula
P.S : happy birthday joejohanna :D
Saturday, June 13, 2009
together we soar :)
well, akhirnya setelah 12 tahun gue sekolah di loren lulus juga.aaaa.i will miss st.laurensia much.bayangin aja dari KELAS SATU SD.wuuwww.gila ya 12 tahun tiap hari kerjaannya sekolah di loren dan sekarang udah engga.waaaaa.bakal kangen bangetngetnget.
akhirnya kemaren gue jadi graduationgraduationan.soalnya pengumuman kan diundur karena...*baca pos sebelonnya* yahh akhirnya sekolah tetep mutusin kita ada prosesi segala macem lah *yah lumayan lah setidaknya walaupun ecekecek tetep graduation.pake toga gituuu.haha* tapi tetep aja atmosfer grad nya tetep gak berasa,soalnya belon lega *orang lulus atau engga aja ga tau (pasti lulus semua deng :p)* jadi gak ada yang nangis nangis hebring gitu *halah!tetep aja gue nangis pas salaman sama guruguru.sedih booo*

just graduated :D
the good news is UAS kita lulus 100persen.yeeeeyyy :D :D
terus abis acara wisudaan *untungnya gue gak kesandung pas naek ke panggung* kita fotofoto *lagi* pake kebaya doang lah pake toga.haha.heboh deh.tapi 3s1 kenapa gak jadi foto.aaaaaaa.emang susah sih ngumpulin orangnya.rame setengah mampus.
selesai semua ples foto studio gue sama ale ples keluarga makanmakan.graduation dinner ceritanya.hahah. sekarang kakinya pegel setengah mampus.sumpahh.dibebet pake kebaya ples high heels.gak nahann boo.
eh iya gue lagi demen dengerin lagunya chairlift yang judulnya bruises.lagunya enak banget.pop pop gitu.karena penasaran apa arti bruises gue googling dan ternyata artinya memar *krikkrik* pantes aja liriknya : I tried to do handstands for you. But everytime I fell for you. I'm permanently black and blue *baru ngeh setelah tau judul lagunya.haha* lagunya pet shop boys yang love etc. juga enak synth pop gitu.garagara kemaren liat vidio klipnya di mtv jadi demen.enakkk lagunya :D :D :D
ya udah deh,o iyaa besok gue udah berangkat ke jogja sampe hari kamis *pulang kampung ceritanya* jadi hari rebo gak bisa ikut pengumuman.aaaa.sayang sih. ya udalah demi berbakso ria tiap hari *aslinya tiketnya gak bisa di refund :p cuman menghibur diri*
have a nice sunday folkies
regards, no :D
P.S : HAPPY 18 BIRTHDAY TANNIASSSSS *thanks birthday lunchnya :) tadi baru pulang ditraktir boo di pepper lunch TA :D*
Friday, June 12, 2009
graduated soon?
tapiii kelar latihan tibatiba si pak widy ngasih pengumuman
widy : besok semua gak usah dateng karena semua...
anak kelas 3 : *degdegan kirain mau dibilang LULUS SEMUA*
widy : penguman diundur jadi hari rabu tanggal 17 juni,jam 9 pagi karena sekolah yang ketahuan nyontek baru selesai ujian ulang tanggal 12
parah banget sihhhh.bego amat sih udah nyontek pake acara ketahuan pulaaa.aaahhhh.sebel ah.udah gitu pemerintah gimana sih,yang lain udah selesai dari april sama mei awal gitu, ujian ulangnya baru juni.aaahhh sebal lah
jadi akhirnya besok cuman dateng ke sekolah foto pake toga, tapi acaranya tetep jalan TANPA PROSESI DAN GAK PAKE TOGA. krikkrik.jelek bangettt.kayaknya angkatan gue angkatan termehe.masa gak ada graduationnya.parahhh.konyol banget pake kebaya pake batik gitu nyampe sana salam salaman doang.emangnya mau kawinan *mengutip kata rj* HAHA*ketawa garing*
bagaimana nasib angkatan 12 besok???
ya udah deh,
see ya folks
Thursday, June 4, 2009
well,gue udah mikir ini dari lama tapi baru sempet sekarang ngepostnya.
jadi gini I'M OBSESSED WITH ARCTIC MONKEYS FRONTMAN.YESSS, it's ALEXANDER DAVID TURNER or ALEX TURNER :D bukan cuma lagunya yang enak tapi cakep uyyy.HAHA.

yes this is ALEX TURNER
nah, waktu gue pertama kali nonton CSI MIAMI *kelas 2s2 gue inget banget di kelasnya mr.allen* gue ngerasa ada orang familier banget. mukanya kayak alex turner.dan inilah dia *JENGJENGJENG* JONATHAN TOGO a.k.a RYAN WOLFE (at CSI MIAMI)
and this is JONATHAN TOGO :)
gimana gimana? MIRIP KANN. gantengan yang mana?? ahaha
ya udah ah.ahaha.
goodbye amigos :D
P.S :lately,gue jadi sering banget browsing you tube dan ngesave ngesave video pake terus gue jadi "baru" suka nonton nigahiga.SUMPAHH KOCAK BANGET.apalagi ninja glare move *gue udah bisa loh* AHAHA
Monday, June 1, 2009
from puncak with love :p
hari pertama kita datengnya bener bener kepagian jem 8an jadi keliling keliling bogor dulu,wisata kuliner ceritanya.haha.jadi kita makan soto mie ci se eng,ngo hiong*MANTAP*,es duren abangabang,roti unyil venus sama makaroni panggang.gembilgembil dah.udah gitu kita memilla (baca:maen semua game yang ada dari monopoli sampe twister,nonton tv-dvd,mehemehe.terus malemnya yang lain pada nonton film horror,kalo gue sih ngabur ngungsi ke kamar takut.haha.terus hari kedua maen uno stacko sama afalafalan kalo kalah dikuncir banyakbanyakan.semua mehe banget mukanya.tapi tetep juaranya babay.TERMEHE.HAHA.udah gitu saking gak ada kerjaannya akhirnya kita lomba sepeda *se-la-met* benerbener seharian di villa doang soalnya gak ada transport.gilings.hari ketiga setelah mehemehe-nonton SAW 2,belanja ke botanical garden di bogor buat BBQ,tapi kemaleman.HAHA.akhirnya kita BBQan setelah persiapan kilat.LAPER GILA.abis itu yang lain mau nonton the exorcism jadinya gue,cang ngabur lagi ke kamar sama kido,juju,andi,icon.terus ramerame maen ps naruto.HAHA.abis itu diajarin maen hearts sama jujukido jadi akhirnya berempat maen sama cang *ternyata hearts seru* akhirnya maen dari jem 11 sampe lanjut begadang sampe jem setengah 6 cang udah nyerah akhirnya sama bebek-babay maennya.terus pas lagi seruserunya maen tibatiba ada yang tereak bikin kaget "I LOVE YOU LAH! I LOVE YOU LAH! YOU ONLY LAH!" ternyata itu si panda ngigo.haha.kita semua langsung cekakakan.terus besoknya gue bangun jem 10an masih ngantukngantuk,pulangnya kita makan di cimori *padahal pengen tongseng deket vila memeh :p* pulang deh.
GILAAA benerbener 4 hari gak berasa banget.SERUUUU :)
o iya gue lagi nonton BBF lagi tapi di indosiar *hari ini tayang perdana cui.HAHA* dubbingannya parah banget.HAHA.suaranya adenya jan di kayak tokoh kartun indosiar hari minggu.intinya PARAHH.HAHA. *tapi tetep aja di tonton :p*
ya udah deh,see ya later folkies.tepar gilaa :p
regards no
PS: semangat febiola!
quote of the post : you guys were the best thing summer gave me :)